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Tips for your award submission

Tips for a successful submission

  • Tell your story, don’t just provide direct answers to the questions, help the judges connect the dots by clearly narrating the problem or opportunity you identified, how you went about tackling the shared value solution
  • We love data and measurement but only where it provides insight or evidence of the value created (social/environmental value and business value).
  • For mature initiatives, the judges will be expecting to see evidence of the value you’ve created (on both sides, to society and to business).
  • Entries that have a great summary of the shared value solution are always well received by the judges. They have a lot to review and if your entry provides a clear summary up front you’ve got their attention.
  • Repeat projects/initiatives are very welcome to be re-entered, but the judges will be looking to understand what progress you’ve made since you last entered it (i.e. what you’ve learnt and how these insights have influenced your approach, or how you’ve been able to scale your idea).
  • We love all shared value initiatives but are particularly impressed when shared value is used to bring a companies purpose to life. If your initiative or program connects to your purpose please spell this out for the judges.
  • As shared value solutions create economic and social benefits we are expecting to see the business value created not just the social/environmental value.
  • Consider what/who helped you get closer to understanding the problem you were looking to address – tell us what you did to learn deeply about the issue?
  • Don’t forget your partners; we want to hear who helped you and what role each partner played
  • Only include information on your company if it helps set the context for the idea/solution.
  • Be sure to identify any material used in your submission that is confidential and not for public distribution