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Creating Shared Value for Nonprofits

Shared Value for Non Profits is a purpose built program designed to increase our collective capacity to meet the big challenges of our time, by:

- Reimagining how we fund impact
- Rethinking established roles and relationships: philanthropic, government, private sector and NFP’s
- Re-skilling and up-skilling NFP leaders in shared value strategy
- Remaking markets to address unmet needs
- Responding to the changing corporate landscape and the rise of ESG and purpose.

  • September 11, 2024
  • Sydney (Venue TBC)
Enquire Now

This program will enable participants to:

  • Design shared value strategies to unlock sustainable funding sources
  • Seek impact-aligned partnerships
  • Fund the time and effort needed to solve complex issues
  • Use shared value as an innovation strategy and building their entrepreneurial organisational muscle
  • Articulate their impact in both economic and social value terms, critical to identify and attract shared value partners (including government)
  • Redefine/expand their value proposition

Ultimately to become more self sufficient and finally being able to answer the question ‘how will you fund this program once the grant concludes’.