In September 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – 17 global goals which...
UN Global Compact Network Australia launches Australian SDGs Hub for Business
June 16, 2017Five key enablers for bringing shared value to life
March 6, 2017Lee McDougall, Manager, Shared Value and Sustainability at IAG, a Founding Member of the Shared Value Project,...
Edelman Trust Barometer: A wakeup call for business
Edelman have released the results of their annual global Trust Barometer study, revealing the largest the largest-ev...
2017 Shared Value Forum
December 8, 2016We are pleased to announce the 2017 Shared Value Forum will be held on Wednesday 26 April 2017.
Shared Value Champions: Peter Yates AM
October 4, 2016In a special feature this month, we interview Peter Yates AM, Chair of the Shared Value Project.
NAB the first Australian company to be named in Fortune’s Change the World List
August 22, 2016Global business magazine Fortune has recognised National Australia Bank (NAB) as one of 50 companies changing the w...
5 habits of effective shared value advocates
August 2, 2016It’s rare to find a corporate responsibility professional these days who isn’t familiar with shared value.
Joanne Gray joins the Shared Value Project Board of Directors
July 4, 2016We are delighted to announce that Joanne Gray, Editor of AFR BOSS and Leadership for the Australian Financial Re...
Nominate your company for the 2016 Fortune ‘Change the World’ List
June 7, 2016Applications are now open for the 2016 ‘Change the World’ list, with the opportunity to showcase the work of your...
DFAT reports from the 2016 Shared Value Leadership Summit
The business of being in shared value The Australian shared value community was again well represented at this yea...