Liz Incigneri joins the Shared Value Project team as our Chief Operating Officer, bringing with her extensive knowled...
Community: Updates

SVP Team Changes – Welcomes & Well Wishes
November 7, 2022
2020 Shared Value Awards | How is this year different?
September 7, 2020Hear from SVP CEO Helen Steel and Shared Value Project Hong Kong CEO Gaëlle Loiseau about the prestigious Awar...

The climate for change: Reimagining a new economy
July 2, 2020The Climate for Change is here.

Media Release: SVP seeks new CEO
May 14, 202014 May 2020: Shared Value Project (SVP) is seeking to appoint a new CEO, following the announcement that co-founder H...

‘Oscars’ for purpose-led business recognise organisations solving Asia Pacific’s urgent challenges
October 24, 2019MEDIA RELEASE Shared Value Awards 2019 mark five years since the movement towards positively redefining capitalis...

2019 Shared Value Award Winners
Filled with energy and anticipation, the 2019 Shared Value Awards Dinner celebrated an unprecedented level of shared...

The business imperative to improve mental health
September 2, 2019Mental health - Whether driven by swelling societal pressures, stretched resources, or simply our growing willingness...

Superannuation: A critical tool for social progress
August 7, 2019The phrase to ‘put your money where your mouth is’ has taken on a whole new meaning in today’s socially-conscio...

AIA Vitality’s Australia’s Healthiest Workplace Survey
June 4, 2019When it comes to business performance, employee health and happiness are key.

Applications open for 2019 Fortune Change the World List
May 30, 2019Fortune's Change the World list recognizes companies that have had a positive social impact through activities t...