Shared Value Brings Purpose to Oil and Gas and Mining Sectors
The Shared Value Project is pleased to present to you FSG’s newest study, Extracting with Purpose, published with the Shared Value Initiative. This is a culmination of over a year of in-depth research, and we are eager to collaborate with the Australian oil and gas and mining communities to drive a global conversation around the opportunity for shared value within these sectors.
The study provides a pathway for the extractives sector to deliver shared value—creating positive social outcomes by tying business success to the prosperity of host communities and countries.
After extensive interviews with hundreds of individuals and intensive research, the authors identified several ways to create shared value in the sector. Building local markets for byproducts created by extractive activity, improving local workforce capabilities, and developing local operating environments supporting the extractives sectors are just a few of the ways innovative companies use the shared value framework.
Shared Value Project Program
As Australia’s leading export market and with the report providing a pathway for the extractives sectors to deliver shared value, the Shared Value Project is rolling out a program around the launch to engage local Australian extractives companies and ignite further interest in creating shared value in the Australian business community.
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Facebook/LinkedIn: New shared value industry study Extracting with Purpose provides a pathway for the extractives sectors to deliver positive social outcomes by tying business success to the prosperity of host communities.
Newsletter/Website: ‘Extracting with Purpose: Creating Shared Value in the Oil and Gas and Mining Sectors’ Companies and Communities’ is a new shared value industry study by the mission-driven consulting firm FSG, published with the Shared Value Initiative, providing a pathway for the extractives sector to deliver shared value—creating positive social outcomes by tying business success to the prosperity of host communities and countries.