Originally published by SVP Member Ellis Jones. Click here for original post.
Community: Featured
Your company is made to make a difference
February 20, 2020Setting the agenda for 2020
February 4, 2020Making predictions about the future is fraught with challenges; particularly in such tumultuous times.
Shared Value Champion: Rosalie Wilkie
February 3, 2020What does shared value mean to you? There are many complex challenges in society, and we can no longer rely on Gov...
A fundamental reshaping of finance
January 14, 2020Relocation of capital, investment risk, and the reshaping of finance: a glimpse at the economic impacts of climate ch...
Five years of creating shared value in the Asia Pacific
December 2, 2019At the 2019 Shared Value Awards Dinner we reflected on the achievements of the community over the past five years.
Creative Collision in Hong Kong
November 29, 2019Shared Value Project Hong Kong’s Creative Collision was energising and challenging in a moment when shared value an...
IAG report calls for collaboration and co-ordination to combat climate change
November 11, 2019SVP Founding Member IAG's new report interprets the latest climate science to understand how climate change is impact...
Join the Shared Value Project as Event Coordinator
November 4, 2019We are seeking an experienced Event Coordinator to support the delivery of the 2020 Shared Value Summit Asia Pacific,...
Ann Sherry AO – 2019 Shared Value Champion
November 1, 2019Watch Shared Value Champion Ann Sherry's acceptance speech played at the 2019 Shared Value Awards Dinner.
‘Oscars’ for purpose-led business recognise organisations solving Asia Pacific’s urgent challenges
October 24, 2019MEDIA RELEASE Shared Value Awards 2019 mark five years since the movement towards positively redefining capitalis...