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Session #2: Shared Value Practitioners at Inspire 9

June 26, 2012

The Shared Value Project holds the next installment of its practitioners series at Inspire 9 in Richmond.

Adopted by global companies such as Nestle and Google, shared value is fast emerging as a new business model which can recast relationships between governments, non-government organisations and companies, achieving economic growth and building social capital.

This new approach challenges the value of short term corporate social responsibility programs, looking deeper into the long term sustainability of companies while creating opportunities for social entrepreneurs.

The goal of this group is to engage people working in the shared value, corporate social responsibility, social enterprise and social investment spaces in Australia to develop shared value practice and collaborate on achieving positive social, economic and environmental impacts.

Specifically, we’ll be using the co-working space at Inspire 9 to:

  • Provide feeedback on a recent London meeting with Marc Pfitzer of FSG, the company Kramer and Porter set up to advance shared value thinking and practice
  • Discuss an upcoming public event Explore the changing shape of shared value practice in Australia
  •  Identify social, environmental and economic problems that can be solved with shared value thinking.
  • Connect with social change practitoners in government, business, and the community sectors

Join us Thursday, 19 July 2012 from 6.00pm to 8pm at Inspire 9 – Level 1, 41 Stewart Street, Richmond.

Please register for the free event here.