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Insights from Shared Value Leadership Summit – Day 2

May 8, 2019

Day two featured a wealth of leading voices from the business sector, and the examples of shared value being delivered worldwide were thoroughly inspiring.

Carlos Rodriguez-Pastor from Intercorp Peru was a delivered a number of powerful examples, demonstrating the way Intercorp is changing Peru through shared value investments across education, healthcare and infrastructure.

Novartis CEO Vasant Narasimhan’s message on the way Novartis is reworking their initiatives, boosting shared value outcomes and shifting the culture through purpose-driven dialogue was another stand out from the second day. Novartis’ three-pillar culture strategy: inspired, curious and unbossed, stems from the belief that ‘companies with strong purpose-driven cultures have the most impact.’

We also discussed making racial equity a shared value goal and Michael McAfee, CEO of PolicyLink, challenged businesses to build their capacity for diversity and inclusion.

Closing notes from Mark Kramer served as a reminder that each company represented has taken something unique away, and we look forward to seeing the transformations inspired by this week.