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Mentoring Circle Lessons

The Mentoring Circle program runs across five weeks, with five distinct lessons, designed to build the skills to align impact thinking with your business model.


Week 1 Foundations in Shared Value Strategy

Following on from the Foundations Course (available online), we will be focusing on the foundational skills needed to navigate as you align business outcomes and societal impact. Aligning ‘the skill and the will’ from across an organisation allows for transformational change and this discussion will ground you in what you bring to the table, and reflecting what others around you (not just in your team) bring to the table too.


Week 2  Theatre of Change: Beyond Zero

Beyond Zero posterWhether you are building and flexing your impact muscle in the organisation in bite sized pieces (often programs), or you are in a state of radical change and transformation, understanding the ‘big impact picture’ and seeing the value of how you align the whole of organisation behind an impact goal is a powerful idea. Here we learn from an extraordinary organisation that reimagined what they understood as capitalism to create a profitable way to align impact into the heart of their business.


Week 3  Eating an elephant: the next bite

We cannot always do complex transformation, it’s exhausting to just think of it. Sometimes we need to eat the Impact Elephant one bite at a time. To break things down and just figure out the ‘next’ thing to be done. We look at how to win with one program, one workshop, one meeting that is the next thing you need to do to get traction.


Week 4  The Cheat Sheet: lessons from the field

We have asked the experts in putting shared value theory into practice about their top tips in applying Shared Value strategy into their businesses. We will go through case studies from NAB, Thriving Communities Partnership, AIA and others, and then create a Cheat Sheet of tips and tricks from lessons from reality, not theory.


Week 5 Insights from a Practitioner: Ask a Expert

We have a range of Expert Practitioners from our community, and one will join us for our wrap up ‘Ask the Expert’ session. They will present an overview of how they apply shared value strategy in their organisation and then join us for a panel Q&A session where all your questions from throughout the Mentoring Circle can be answered from their perspective. Which expert will you have? Well that depends on the interest and focus of the group. It will be designed around the group’s need.



What does it cost

It is free for employees of Shared Value Project members (see here if your company is a member), or $750 for non members.


When does it happen

It runs for 5 weeks, once a week and you are expected to make each session. If you need to miss up to 1 week, you can join in that session in the next cycle.

Mentoring Circle Cycle 1: Wednesday 28th February, 12pm for 5 weeks

Mentoring Circle Cycle 2: Tuesday 30th July 9.45am – 10.45am for 5 weeks

If you’ve missed the above dates, you can still submit your expression of interest and we’ll be in touch when the next cycle dates are announced.


If you are a member and interested in taking part in the program, please fill in the form below for the 2024 intake.