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BlackRock, Citibank and Novartis meet with Australian shared value leaders

May 16, 2018

Following the 2018 Shared Value Leadership Summit, the Shared Value Project curated a two day learning tour for members to meet with representatives from leading companies in New York including BlackRock, Citibank and Novartis.

The Shared Value Learning Tour, provided a unique forum for delegates to extend their knowledge of shared value by meeting with global practitioners in a small group setting. Host organisations also benefited from learning more about shared value programs being delivered in Australia.

While each organisation held a strong connection with shared value, they represented a range of sectors including consumer goods, healthcare and pharmaceutical, financial services and investment firms.

Host organisations provided an outline of their shared value programs and provided delegates with a deep insight into their measurement activities, engagement of employees and leaders, investor relations, and communications.

As well as providing an opportunity for participants to gain unique insights into shared value practice, there is also an opportunity to reflect on their own shared value programs and draw on the new knowledge to improve and refine them.

Key highlights from the sessions included:

Delegates met with Michelle Edkins, Managing Director and the Global Head of BlackRock’s Investment Stewardship team who provided some greater insight into the letter to CEOs sent by Larry Fink earlier in the year.

Staff from the global partnerships team at Acumen provided an overview of their global fellowship program and outlined the opportunities to engage their community of corporate partners and emerging CEOs in the shared value conversation.

The final meeting of the two day program, saw the Australian delegation meet with Citibank to learn more about their global programs and to discuss the opportunities for shared value. Host organisations, including Citibank were also able to learn from the Australian shared value leaders.

The Shared Value Learning Tour is part of a program of activities and events designed to support practitioners working within member organisations.