Ramana James, Executive General Manager, Safer Communities, IAG
Ramana has a long career in sustainability, ESG and shared value. Previous to IAG he led sustainability and shared value teams across the telecommunication and property industries with Vodafone and Stockland. He has experience working across Europe and Asia on sustainability and climate change and has extensive experience in developing integrated and embedded approaches to sustainability that support strategic priorities and commercial success of organisations. As the Executive General Manager of Safer Communities at IAG, Ramana now leads a diverse team that is responsible for developing, executing and enabling IAG’s organisational wide sustainability, safer communities and shared value activity. The team have a strong focus on executing on IAG’s purpose of ‘making your world a safer place’ and supporting commercial opportunities through this work. Ramana has previously been recognised as a ‘Shared value trailblazer’ at the BOSS Magazine shared value awards and was a Co-Chair of the Coordinating Working Group for the Australian Sustainable Finance Initiative. Ramana is also the Course Facilitator for the Centre for Social Impact UNSW’s Creating Shared Value course.
Andrew Coghlin, Head of Emergency Services, Australian Red Cross
Andrew brings over 20 years’ experience in the emergency management sector. As Head of Emergency Services, Andrew is responsible for overseeing Red Cross’ national Emergency Services function. Andrew has played a pivotal role in coordinating the Red Cross response to a number of major emergencies and disasters, including Cyclone Larry (2006), the Black Saturday Victorian Bushfires (2009) and Queensland Floods and Cyclone Yasi (2011). Prior to joining Red Cross, Andrew was the National Recovery Consultant with Emergency Management Australia, providing advice to both State and Federal governments following a range of emergencies and playing a key role in coordinating recovery assistance to Australians impacted by events such as the Boxing Day 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami.