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Advancing CSR for Sustainable Futures

Leading businesses understand the competitive advantage to be realised by making responsible and sustainable business practices at the forefront of organisational strategy. CSR is currently in a stage of evolution towards an integrated model that converges commercial and sustainable practices.

  • November 26, 2019
  • Sydney Boulevard Hotel
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The inaugural Advancing CSR for Sustainable Futures conference will bring together senior leaders and practitioners from across the private sector, including SVP CEO Helen Steel,  to showcase new ways of thinking and doing, when it comes to corporate responsibility and sustainability. This conference will unpack how organisations can leverage their capital and capability to influence sustainability and scale impact, all while realising the economic and business benefits of this.

What will you take away

  • Strategies for gaining executive & organisational buy-in
  • Growing with purpose, staff, customers and community
  • How to align your strategy with organisational purpose for sustainable impact
  • Approaches to report on impact and improve social accountability internally and externally

Who will attend?
Executive and Senior Leaders with responsibility for:

  • Corporate Responsibility
  • Corporate Citizenship
  • Sustainability
  • Corporate Affairs
  • Ethical Business Strategy
  • Shared Value
  • Social Impact
  • Partnerships
  • Community Engagement