We have a lot to do. Every day.

Use existing business systems to create shared value strategy
May 21, 2014
Establishment of Shared Value Project Ltd
February 21, 2014The Shared Value Project takes an exciting step forward as a not-for-profit company, appointing an Executive Director...

2nd Creating Shared Value Forum
October 24, 2013The second Creating Shared Value Forum will be held in Melbourne on Tuesday 26th November.

Fixing Capitalism by Fixing Capital.
On 18 September, Ben Bernanke’s decision not to taper quantitative easing was followed by a media storm and great s...

Australian case study! PwC’s AskU smartphone app.
One of Australia’s first shared value creation initiatives has its origins in a challenge facing business everywher...

Creating Shared Value Global Forum 2013
October 21, 2013On Monday 28 October, Nestlé, in collaboration with the Inter-American Development Bank, co-hosted the 5th Creating...

New shared value paper in HBR
October 9, 2013Innovating for Shared Value was published in the September 2013 edition of the Harvard Business Review.

Why Save the Children created a role called ‘Director, Shared Value’
Paul Ronalds is CEO of Save the Children Australia.

Why Business Can Be Good at Solving Social Problems
Michael Porter, a leading business strategist and a distinguished Professor at Harvard Business School was the co-cre...

Shared Value Leadership Summit Report
June 21, 2013It’s not often you go to a conference and speak earnestly and comfortably with the CEOs and Chairs of the world’s...