The Financial Wellbeing Collective (FWC) partnered with Keystart, a state government home loan provider, to design and implement an innovative Financial Coaching program. The program aims to improve financial wellbeing and resilience among Keystart’s customers, acting as a transitional lender back to traditional market access.
Societal Value Created
- The program supported 670 clients over 2,000 coaching sessions since inception, achieving a 64% improvement in financial wellbeing and 57% improvement in financial satisfaction.
- It provides an early intervention approach, helping participants explore their relationship with money, recognize risks, set goals, and secure their financial future through active behavioural change.
Business Value Created
- Helps Keystart’s customers avoid negative outcomes like missed payments, poor credit records, and potential repossession by building financial literacy and resilience.
- Supports Keystart’s mission as a transitional lender by enabling customers to improve their financial capability and confidence to transition to traditional lenders.