This month we are please to announce Palladium as the newest member of the Shared Value Project. Palladium is a leader in developing and delivering positive impact. Their solutions transform lives, businesses, communities, societies and economies, creating enduring value.
Palladium is a global organisation, with over 2,500 employees working to deliver projects in nearly 120 countries around the world. Their main fields of operation are International Development, Humanitarian Relief, Strategy Execution, and Impact Investing. They work with development agencies, governments, and private sector MNEs.
Like our Founding Member DFAT, Palladium have been a strong advocate for applying the shared value framework to international aid programs, leveraging partnerships with the provate sector and NFPs for more sustainable outcomes. Palladium recognises that collaboration between the public and private sectors has become increasingly important in addressing key socio-economic issues. However, creation of shared value between government, corporations and the community requires a determined shift in thinking for all involved, as Cassian Drew, head of Palladium’s ANZ & Pacific practice, explains in the video below at their ‘Positive Impact through Shared Value’ event in Canberra in April 2016.
We look forward to working with Palladium as part of our member network, continuing to build shared value opportunities in this area, and encouraging further engagement by Australasian organisations in international markets.
Shared value gives new options for socio-economic development – Read more from Cassian Drew, head of Palladium’s ANZ & Pacific practice, as he reports from the 2016 Shared Value Forum.