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Australia’s first waste to energy water plant

June 16, 2017

In an Australian first, Yarra Valley Water, has constructed a waste to energy facility linked to a sewage treatment plant. The purpose-built facility and shared value innovation converts organic waste such as food scraps, which would otherwise be bound for landfill, into renewable energy. The amount of energy produced by the new facility is the equivalent of about 25 per cent of Yarra Valley Water’s overall energy requirements.

It’s enough to power the adjacent sewage treatment plant and export surplus electricity exported to the grid as renewable energy – making the facility not just environmentally sustainable but also commercially viable.

“While similar facilities are in place in other parts of the world, a great deal of work was needed to determine whether we could make a facility of this kind a success in the Australian market,” said Pat McCafferty, Managing Director Yarra Valley Water.

The Labor Government’s climate change plan for water – Water for Victoria – requires the water sector to be a leader in climate change mitigation and adaption.

Water for Victoria also requires the water sector to adopt the Labor Government’s renewable energy target of at least 25 per cent renewable energy by 2020.

“This project is a great example of our water authorities meeting the challenges of the future, including climate change and population growth – a key objective of our Water for Victoria policy,” said Minister for Water Lisa Neville. “By generating its own energy, rather than being dependent on purchasing energy, the facility will put downwards pressure on water bills for consumers.”

Learn more about the Yarra Valley Water waste to energy facility

Read the media release


Minister for Water Lisa Neville with the Yarra Valley Water leadership team


Image credit: Victor Perton & Yarra Valley Water