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Sustainable Brands 2016: New Opportunities To Profitably Innovate For Sustainability

Sustainable Brands is the premier global community of brand innovators who are shaping the future of commerce worldwide with focused attention on understanding and leveraging the role of brands in shaping that future. Live events are ideal for collectively aligning our community of brand innovators toward our common vision as well as convening members to share challenges and successes face to face.

  • June 27, 2016
  • Sofitel Sydney Wentworth, Phillip Street, Sydney
Register Now

Sustainable Brands® is the premier global community of brand innovators who are shaping the future of commerce worldwide with focused attention on understanding and leveraging the role of brands in shaping that future. Live events are ideal for collectively aligning our community of brand innovators toward our common vision as well as convening members to share challenges and successes face to face.

We know the world is changing – transparency is driving a multitude of stakeholders to connect the dots between brands and their positive or negative environmental and social impacts. The demand for new products, services and business models that deliver purpose and profit is soaring and it’s those brand leaders of the 21st century who can successfully deliver both that will thrive. Dive deep into the brand innovation trenches at SB’16 Sydney and learn How you can successfully innovate your brand for sustainability to drive brand success Now.

2016 marks the first year the SB community will gather in Australia! We’ll be building on the HOW NOW theme to prompt leaders to actively apply the know HOW to shift business towards a more flourishing future NOW. Join us as and fully immerse yourself along with over 200 other distinguished leaders for a two jam-packed days of conversation and collaboration at the Sofitel Sydney Wentworth, 27-29 June 2016.